Roy colt e winchester jack's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Roy colt e winchester jack. Find actors and director of the program Roy colt e winchester jack

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Roy colt e winchester jack. Select any member to see details info.

Brett Halsey's poster
Brett Halsey (Roy Colt)
Charles Southwood's poster
Charles Southwood (Winchester Jack)
Marilù Tolo's poster
Marilù Tolo (Manila)
Teodoro Corrà's poster
Teodoro Corrà (The Reverend)
Guido Lollobrigida's poster
Guido Lollobrigida (Winchester's lead henchman)
Bruno Corazzari's poster
Bruno Corazzari (Reverend's lead henchman)
Mauro Bosco's poster
Mauro Bosco (Bellatreccia, Winchester's henchman #2)
Federico Boido's poster
Federico Boido (Boida)
Piero Morgia's poster
Piero Morgia (Winchester henchman #3)
Franco Pesce's poster
Franco Pesce (Old man in scarf)
Giorgio Gargiullo's poster
Giorgio Gargiullo (Samuel (the cripple))
Vincenzo Crocitti's poster
Vincenzo Crocitti (Deaf man)
Isa Miranda's poster
Isa Miranda (Mamma Lizzy)