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Upcoming Schedule of The Ren & Stimpy Show program

Showing top 7 upcoming show times. Show times are sorted in increasing order of start time.

  1. Tue 12:30 AM, 1 Oct 2024 on Comedy Xtra channel
    Hard Times for Haggis: When TV personality Haggis McHaggis gets booted off the air and out of his mansion in favor of Ren and Stimpy, he is bent for revenge. (S3, E08)
  2. Tue 1:00 AM, 1 Oct 2024 on Comedy Xtra channel
    Eat My Cookies: Ren and Stimpy become Girl Scouts, and when Stimpy eats all the cookies, they need to replace them. Ren's Bitter Half: Stimpy's new genetic formula splits Ren's personality. (S3, E09)
  3. Tue 1:30 AM, 1 Oct 2024 on Comedy Xtra channel
    Lair of the Lummox: Ren and Stimpy go in search of the dying breed of the lummox. Deep in the wood they find a prime specimen; a freckled red neck known as Booger Red. (S4, E01)
  4. Wed 1:00 AM, 2 Oct 2024 on Comedy Xtra channel
    Hermit Ren: Stimpy's stupidity becomes too much for Ren and he leaves home to become a hermit. All alone, Ren begins to go crazy because he misses his true friend. (S4, E02)
  5. Wed 1:30 AM, 2 Oct 2024 on Comedy Xtra channel
    House Of Next Tuesday: The boys sneak into a model house of the future. Friend in Your Face!: Stimpy's face parasite invites his good for nothing country cousin to set up camp in Ren's head. (S4, E03)
  6. Fri 1:00 AM, 4 Oct 2024 on Comedy Xtra channel
    Blazing Entrails: Ren takes Stimpy to Dr. Brainchild when he starts acting dumber than usual. Lumber Jerks: Ren and Stimpy decide to become lumberjacks. (S4, E04)
  7. Fri 1:30 AM, 4 Oct 2024 on Comedy Xtra channel
    Prehistoric Stimpy: The duo go to a museum to see remains of the mammoth Stimpysaurus. Farm Hands: Hunger leads Ren & Stimpy to pretend to be the long lost children of two stupid farmers. (S4, E05)