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Upcoming Schedule of Tekka program

Showing top 8 upcoming show times. Show times are sorted in increasing order of start time.

  1. Thu 3:00 PM, 12 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    Episode 3 illustrates how Market street and Chulia street were the earliest settlement of Indian traders before the growth of Tekka. We also meet the iconic cattle trader Kadir Sultan. From a farming belt and cattle rearing area we see the progress of Tekka developing into a commercial area of peddlers and artisans.
  2. Thu 3:30 PM, 12 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    A journey through Singapore's Indian enclave. Tekka is a social space that brings people together for various reasons. It has a colourful history which spans over two centuries.
  3. Fri 3:00 PM, 13 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    We have already uncovered the stories about the men who built their businesses from the ground up in Tekka. In Episode 5, we then talk about the businesses that are taken over by generations. We speak to people such as Mr Rajakumar Chandra who now runs the famous Jothi store that has remained an important landmark for the Indian community through the years.
  4. Fri 3:30 PM, 13 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    Episode 6 narrates to us how Pioneer businessmen having built their wealth aspired to give back to society. This urge to philanthropy was the birth of social consciousness impacting the lives of the Singapore Indian society....
  5. Mon 3:00 PM, 16 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    Episode 7 narrates to us how once Tekka became established as a commercial and residential area where both religious and cultural life thrived. Festivals blossomed and large crowds participated in street processions.
  6. Mon 3:30 PM, 16 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    The increasing arrival of middle income workers created the need for good quality vegetarian and non-vegeterian restaurants. On the otherhand after world war 2, the push cart vendor faced increasing competition from new entrants from the multitudes of un
  7. Tue 3:00 PM, 17 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    In the face off technological changes, customer preferences and substitute products some trades have vanished. This episode looks at the kacang Puteh man, the Mamak shop, traditional goldsmiths and snakecharmers
  8. Tue 3:30 PM, 17 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    A journey through Singapore's Indian enclave. Tekka is a social space that brings people together for various reasons. It has a colourful history which spans over two centuries.

Past Schedule of Tekka program

Showing top 2 upcoming show times. Show times are sorted in increasing order of start time.

  1. Wed 3:30 PM, 11 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    Episode 2 brings us through a wider map of Tekka starting from 1842 onwards such as the coming of Race Course Road and the role of horses in making the Boyanese and Javanese an important ethnic group in the area. We trace the growth of the cattle trade and the man who developed the cattle industry in a big way; I.R Belilios.
  2. Wed 3:00 PM, 11 Sep 2024 on Vasantham (HD) channel
    We begin with the documentation of the early history of Tekka. We tell the stories of settlement patterns and settlers. This episode maps out the areas where Indian immigrants began making their mark and laying the foundations for Tekka to become an Indian enclave.