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Upcoming Schedule of Sandbaggers program

Showing top 3 upcoming show times. Show times are sorted in increasing order of start time.

  1. Sat 8:00 PM, 28 Sep 2024 on London Live channel
    When an East German spy in the employ of SIS offers them photographs of a new missile site, Burnside finds that the only person qualified for the job is Laura Dickens.
  2. Mon 12:00 PM, 30 Sep 2024 on London Live channel
    When an East German spy in the employ of SIS offers them photographs of a new missile site, Burnside finds that the only person qualified for the job is Laura Dickens.
  3. Tue 11:00 AM, 1 Oct 2024 on London Live channel
    When an East German spy in the employ of SIS offers them photographs of a new missile site, Burnside finds that the only person qualified for the job is Laura Dickens.