Dick Barton at Bay's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Dick Barton at Bay. Find actors and director of the program Dick Barton at Bay

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Dick Barton at Bay. Select any member to see details info.

Don Stannard's poster
Don Stannard (Dick Barton)
Tamara Desni's poster
Tamara Desni (Anna)
Meinhart Maur's poster
Meinhart Maur (Serge Volkoff)
Joyce Linden's poster
Joyce Linden (Mary Mitchell)
Percy Walsh's poster
Percy Walsh (Professor Mitchell)
Campbell Singer's poster
Campbell Singer (Inspector Cavendish)
Richard George's poster
Richard George (Inspector Slade)
Beatrice Kane's poster
Beatrice Kane (Betsy Horrock)
George Crawford's poster
George Crawford (Boris)
Paddy Ryan's poster
Paddy Ryan (Fingers)
Ted Butterfield's poster
Ted Butterfield (Tommy)
Patrick Macnee's poster
Patrick Macnee (Phillips)
Fred Owens's poster
Fred Owens (A Gangster)
Yoshihide Yanai's poster
Yoshihide Yanai (Chang)
John Arnatt's poster
John Arnatt (Jackson)