A Bet With The Matchmaker's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program A Bet With The Matchmaker. Find actors and director of the program A Bet With The Matchmaker

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program A Bet With The Matchmaker. Select any member to see details info.

Brett Donahue's poster
Brett Donahue (Joseph)
Emily Alatalo's poster
Emily Alatalo (Kate)
Steffi DiDomenicantonio's poster
Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Nancy)
David Pinard's poster
David Pinard (Charley)
Neil Crone's poster
Neil Crone (Sal)
Steve Cumyn's poster
Steve Cumyn (Glen)
Paris Jefferson's poster
Paris Jefferson (Genevieve)
Joyce Rivera's poster
Joyce Rivera (Mimi)
Rohain Arora's poster
Rohain Arora (Benjamin)
Hailey Summer's poster
Hailey Summer (Chloe)
Matthew Powell's poster
Matthew Powell (Travis)