La caduta delle aquile's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program La caduta delle aquile. Find actors and director of the program La caduta delle aquile

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program La caduta delle aquile. Select any member to see details info.

George Peppard's poster
George Peppard (Lt. Bruno Stachel)
James Mason's poster
James Mason (General Count von Klugermann)
Ursula Andress's poster
Ursula Andress (Countess Kaeti von Klugermann)
Jeremy Kemp's poster
Jeremy Kemp (Willi von Klugermann)
Karl Michael Vogler's poster
Karl Michael Vogler (Colonel Otto Heidemann)
Anton Diffring's poster
Anton Diffring (Holbach)
Harry Townes's poster
Harry Townes (Kettering)
Peter Woodthorpe's poster
Peter Woodthorpe (Rupp)
Derek Newark's poster
Derek Newark (Ziegel)
Derren Nesbitt's poster
Derren Nesbitt (Fabian)
Loni von Friedl's poster
Loni von Friedl (Elfi Heidemann)
Friedrich von Ledebur's poster
Friedrich von Ledebur (Feldmarschall von Lenndorf)
Carl Schell's poster
Carl Schell (Manfred Von Richthofen)
Roger Ostime's poster
Roger Ostime (The Crown Prince)
Hugo Schuster's poster
Hugo Schuster (Hans. Elderly Servant)
Alex Scott's poster
Alex Scott (The Orator)