Il prato macchiato di rosso's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Il prato macchiato di rosso. Find actors and director of the program Il prato macchiato di rosso

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Il prato macchiato di rosso. Select any member to see details info.

Marina Malfatti's poster
Marina Malfatti (Nina Genovese)
Enzo Tarascio's poster
Enzo Tarascio (Dr. Antonio Genovese)
Daniela Caroli's poster
Daniela Caroli (Max's companion)
George Willing's poster
George Willing (Max)
Claudio Biava's poster
Claudio Biava (Alfiero, Nina's brother)
Barbara Marzano's poster
Barbara Marzano (Venamina - The Gypsy)
Dominique Boschero's poster
Dominique Boschero (Valentina - The Prostitute)
Lucio Dalla's poster
Lucio Dalla (The Tramp)
Nino Castelnuovo's poster
Nino Castelnuovo (UNESCO agent)