The Condemned's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Condemned. Find actors and director of the program The Condemned

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Condemned. Select any member to see details info.

David Chiang's poster
David Chiang (Yang Lin)
Tsai Hung's poster
Tsai Hung (Feng Dagang)
Lily Li Li-Li's poster
Lily Li Li-Li (Baoying)
Ku Feng's poster
Ku Feng (Mr. Sheng)
Hu Chin's poster
Hu Chin (Red Point)
Kong Yeung's poster
Kong Yeung (Captain Feng)
Chan Shen's poster
Chan Shen (Mr Liang)
Yuen Sam's poster
Yuen Sam (Mr. Xue)
Wong Ching's poster
Wong Ching (Bandit)
Shum Lo's poster
Shum Lo (Man in Sheng's house)
Ringo Pai Ying's poster
Ringo Pai Ying (Lung Wenxuan)