Battle Taxi's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Battle Taxi. Find actors and director of the program Battle Taxi

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Battle Taxi. Select any member to see details info.

Sterling Hayden's poster
Sterling Hayden (Capt. Russ Edwards)
Arthur Franz's poster
Arthur Franz (Lt. Pete Stacey)
Marshall Thompson's poster
Marshall Thompson (2nd Lt. Tim Vernon)
Leo Needham's poster
Leo Needham (SSgt. 'Slats' Klein)
Jay Barney's poster
Jay Barney (Lt. Col. Stoneham)
John Dennis's poster
John Dennis (MSgt. Joe Murdock)
Michael Colgan's poster
Michael Colgan (Medic Capt. Larsen)
Andy Andrews's poster
Andy Andrews (Lazy Joker Two)
Dale Hutchinson's poster
Dale Hutchinson (Blue Boy Three-Gene)