Un grande amore's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Un grande amore. Find actors and director of the program Un grande amore

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Un grande amore. Select any member to see details info.

Malù's poster
Malù (Fay Williams)
Alex Damiani's poster
Alex Damiani (Lou Aiello)
Antonio Zequila's poster
Antonio Zequila (Nick Alloway)
Cristina Bersacchi's poster
Cristina Bersacchi (Rose Aiello)
Carlo Macaro's poster
Carlo Macaro (Joe Williams)
Valeria Favaro's poster
Valeria Favaro (Inge, Ole's partner)
Axel Kohl's poster
Axel Kohl (Ole, Inge's partner)
Tracy Kelly's poster
Tracy Kelly (Lucy, Nick's wife)