Il dio serpente's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Il dio serpente. Find actors and director of the program Il dio serpente

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Il dio serpente. Select any member to see details info.

Nadia Cassini's poster
Nadia Cassini (Paola Lucas)
Beryl Cunningham's poster
Beryl Cunningham (Stella)
Sergio Tramonti's poster
Sergio Tramonti (Tony)
Arnoldo Palacios's poster
Arnoldo Palacios (The witch man)
Galeazzo Benti's poster
Galeazzo Benti (Bernard Lucas)
Claudio Trionfi's poster
Claudio Trionfi (The priest)
Evaristo Márquez's poster
Evaristo Márquez (Luis)
Koike Mahoco's poster
Koike Mahoco