La mamma giusta's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program La mamma giusta. Find actors and director of the program La mamma giusta

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program La mamma giusta. Select any member to see details info.

Anna Schafer's poster
Anna Schafer (Jenny Carlyle)
Nick Ballard's poster
Nick Ballard (Dr. Jack Wilcox)
Matt Medrano's poster
Matt Medrano (Ray Brady)
Taja V. Simpson's poster
Taja V. Simpson (Ellen Graham)
Lisa Ann Walter's poster
Lisa Ann Walter (Margaret Blanchette)
Swati Kapila's poster
Swati Kapila (Beth Randall)
Augie Duke's poster
Augie Duke (Rachel Lee)
Chase Williamson's poster
Chase Williamson (Thomas Mingo)
Leo Marz's poster
Leo Marz (Billy)
Tamlyn Tomita's poster
Tamlyn Tomita (Sallie Petersen)
Gail Borges's poster
Gail Borges (Judge Jones)
Daniel Lench's poster
Daniel Lench (Attorney Sam Jacobsen)
Autumn Federici's poster
Autumn Federici (Prosecutor Rhota)
Luke Barnett's poster
Luke Barnett (Instructor Bates)