Il leone di Tebe's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Il leone di Tebe. Find actors and director of the program Il leone di Tebe

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Il leone di Tebe. Select any member to see details info.

Mark Forest's poster
Mark Forest (Arian)
Yvonne Furneaux's poster
Yvonne Furneaux (Helen of Troy)
Massimo Serato's poster
Massimo Serato (Tutmes)
Pierre Cressoy's poster
Pierre Cressoy (Ramses)
Nerio Bernardi's poster
Nerio Bernardi (Xesostus)
Rosalba Neri's poster
Rosalba Neri (Nais)
Carlo Tamberlani's poster
Carlo Tamberlani (Menophis)