La dominatrice's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program La dominatrice. Find actors and director of the program La dominatrice

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program La dominatrice. Select any member to see details info.

Barbara Stanwyck's poster
Barbara Stanwyck (Annie Oakley)
Preston Foster's poster
Preston Foster (Toby Walker)
Melvyn Douglas's poster
Melvyn Douglas (Jeff Hogarth)
Moroni Olsen's poster
Moroni Olsen (Col. William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody)
Pert Kelton's poster
Pert Kelton (Vera Delmar)
Andy Clyde's poster
Andy Clyde (James MacIvor)
Chief Thunderbird's poster
Chief Thunderbird (Sitting Bull (as Chief Thunder Bird))
Margaret Armstrong's poster
Margaret Armstrong (Mrs. Oakley)
Delmar Watson's poster
Delmar Watson (Wesley Oakley)
Adeline Craig's poster
Adeline Craig (Susan Oakley)