Le calde notti di Don Giovanni's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Le calde notti di Don Giovanni. Find actors and director of the program Le calde notti di Don Giovanni

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Le calde notti di Don Giovanni. Select any member to see details info.

Robert Hoffmann's poster
Robert Hoffmann (Don Giovanni Tenorio)
Barbara Bouchet's poster
Barbara Bouchet (Esmeralda)
Ira von Fürstenberg's poster
Ira von Fürstenberg (Isabella Gonzales)
Annabella Incontrera's poster
Annabella Incontrera (Maddalena)
Edwige Fenech's poster
Edwige Fenech (Aiscia)
Pasquale Nigro's poster
Pasquale Nigro
José Calvo's poster
José Calvo (Sultano Selim)
Adriano Micantoni's poster
Adriano Micantoni (Emiro Omar)
Franco Fantasia's poster
Franco Fantasia (Mahid)
Pietro Torrisi's poster
Pietro Torrisi (Alìl)
Lucretia Love's poster
Lucretia Love (Queen of Cipro)
Cris Huerta's poster
Cris Huerta
Franco Marletta's poster
Franco Marletta
María Montez's poster
María Montez
Francisco Amorós's poster
Francisco Amorós ((uncredited))
Fortunato Arena's poster
Fortunato Arena (One of Aiscia's Wardens (uncredited))
Emma Baron's poster
Emma Baron (Madre superiore (uncredited))
José María Caffarel's poster
José María Caffarel ((uncredited))
Antonio Cintado's poster
Antonio Cintado ((uncredited))
Gabriel Llopart's poster
Gabriel Llopart ((uncredited))
Osiride Pevarello's poster
Osiride Pevarello (One of Aiscia's Wardens (uncredited))
Santiago Rivero's poster
Santiago Rivero ((uncredited))