Il giocatore di scacchi's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Il giocatore di scacchi. Find actors and director of the program Il giocatore di scacchi

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Il giocatore di scacchi. Select any member to see details info.

Marc Clotet's poster
Marc Clotet (Diego Padilla)
Melina Matthews's poster
Melina Matthews (Marianne Latour)
Alejo Sauras's poster
Alejo Sauras (Javier Sánchez)
Maarten Dannenberg's poster
Maarten Dannenberg
Andrés Gertrúdix's poster
Andrés Gertrúdix (Pablo Mérida)
Lionel Auguste's poster
Lionel Auguste (Pierre Boileau)
Stefan Weinert's poster
Stefan Weinert (Colonel Maier)
Martin Angerbauer's poster
Martin Angerbauer (Soldier Kuhn)