Appuntamento col disonore's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Appuntamento col disonore. Find actors and director of the program Appuntamento col disonore

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Appuntamento col disonore. Select any member to see details info.

Michael Craig's poster
Michael Craig (Colonel Stephen Mallory)
Eva Renzi's poster
Eva Renzi (Helena)
Adolfo Celi's poster
Adolfo Celi (Hermes)
Klaus Kinski's poster
Klaus Kinski (Evagoras)
George Sanders's poster
George Sanders (General Downes)
Margaret Lee's poster
Margaret Lee (Nikki)
Ennio Balbo's poster
Ennio Balbo (Chief of Police)
Giacomo Rossi Stuart's poster
Giacomo Rossi Stuart (Lt. Tibbitt)
Giuseppe Addobbati's poster
Giuseppe Addobbati (Pappyanakis)
Mario Novelli's poster
Mario Novelli (Yani)
Luciano Pigozzi's poster
Luciano Pigozzi (Mr. Anton)
Alessandro Momo's poster
Alessandro Momo (Alexander)
Rista Ðordevic's poster
Rista Ðordevic (Priest)
John Stacy's poster
John Stacy (Colonel Webb)
Silvia Faver's poster
Silvia Faver (Molly)
Claudio Trionfi's poster
Claudio Trionfi
Mirella Pamphili's poster
Mirella Pamphili