Caterina la Grande's cast and crew

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Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Caterina la Grande. Select any member to see details info.

Douglas Fairbanks Jr.'s poster
Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (Grand Duke Peter)
Elisabeth Bergner's poster
Elisabeth Bergner (Catherine)
Flora Robson's poster
Flora Robson (Empress Elisabeth)
Gerald du Maurier's poster
Gerald du Maurier (Lecocq)
Irene Vanbrugh's poster
Irene Vanbrugh (Princess Anhalt-Zerbst)
Joan Gardner's poster
Joan Gardner (Katushienka)
Dorothy Hale's poster
Dorothy Hale (Countess Olga)
Diana Napier's poster
Diana Napier (Countess Vorontzova)
Griffith Jones's poster
Griffith Jones (Grigory Orlov)
Gibb McLaughlin's poster
Gibb McLaughlin (Bestujhev)
Clifford Heatherley's poster
Clifford Heatherley (Ogarev)
Laurence Hanray's poster
Laurence Hanray (Goudovitch)
Allan Jeayes's poster
Allan Jeayes (Colonel Karnilov)
Charles Carson's poster
Charles Carson (English Ambassador)
Stewart Granger's poster
Stewart Granger (Regiment Soldier)
Judy Kelly's poster
Judy Kelly (Guest at Hunting Lodge)
John Turnbull's poster
John Turnbull (Rumyantsev)
Michael Wilding's poster
Michael Wilding (Regiment Soldier)
Arnold Lucy's poster
Arnold Lucy (Minor Role)
William Heughan's poster
William Heughan (Minor Role)
Heron Carvic's poster
Heron Carvic (Minor Role)