Il cecchino's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Il cecchino. Find actors and director of the program Il cecchino

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Il cecchino. Select any member to see details info.

Daniel Auteuil's poster
Daniel Auteuil (Mattei)
Mathieu Kassovitz's poster
Mathieu Kassovitz (Vincent Kaminski)
Olivier Gourmet's poster
Olivier Gourmet (Franck)
Francis Renaud's poster
Francis Renaud (Éric)
Nicolas Briançon's poster
Nicolas Briançon (Meyer)
Jérôme Pouly's poster
Jérôme Pouly (David)
Violante Placido's poster
Violante Placido (Anna)
Luca Argentero's poster
Luca Argentero (Nico)
Christian Hecq's poster
Christian Hecq (Gerfaut)
Michele Placido's poster
Michele Placido (Giovanni)
Hocine Choutri's poster
Hocine Choutri (Gypsy Arnaud)
Pascal Bongard's poster
Pascal Bongard (Mitch)
Géraldine Martineau's poster
Géraldine Martineau (Sonia)
Flavien Tassart's poster
Flavien Tassart (Marco Frazetti)
Pierre Douglas's poster
Pierre Douglas (Théo)
Affif Ben Badra's poster
Affif Ben Badra (Karim)
Tchewk Essafi's poster
Tchewk Essafi (Gypsy Angelo)
Arly Jover's poster
Arly Jover (Cathy)
Fanny Ardant's poster
Fanny Ardant (Giovanni's Wife (uncredited))