Berberian Sound Studio's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Berberian Sound Studio. Find actors and director of the program Berberian Sound Studio

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Berberian Sound Studio. Select any member to see details info.

Toby Jones's poster
Toby Jones (Gilderoy)
Tonia Sotiropoulou's poster
Tonia Sotiropoulou (Elena)
Cosimo Fusco's poster
Cosimo Fusco (Francesco)
Hilda Péter's poster
Hilda Péter (Auditionee)
Layla Amir's poster
Layla Amir (Equestrian Girl)
Eugenia Caruso's poster
Eugenia Caruso (Claudia)
Antonio Mancino's poster
Antonio Mancino (Santini)
Fatma Mohamed's poster
Fatma Mohamed (Silvia)
Chiara D'Anna's poster
Chiara D'Anna (Elisa)
Kata Bartsch's poster
Kata Bartsch (Screamer)
Lara Parmiani's poster
Lara Parmiani (Chiara)
Suzy Kendall's poster
Suzy Kendall (Special Scream Performance)
Salvatore LI Causi's poster
Salvatore LI Causi (Fabio)
Guido Adorni's poster
Guido Adorni (Lorenzo)
Claire Crosby's poster
Claire Crosby (Screamer (voice))
Susanna Cappellaro's poster
Susanna Cappellaro (Veronica)