Hobson il tiranno's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Hobson il tiranno. Find actors and director of the program Hobson il tiranno

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Hobson il tiranno. Select any member to see details info.

Charles Laughton's poster
Charles Laughton (Henry Horatio Hobson)
John Mills's poster
John Mills (William Mossop)
Brenda De Banzie's poster
Brenda De Banzie (Maggie Hobson)
Daphne Anderson's poster
Daphne Anderson (Alice Hobson)
Joseph Tomelty's poster
Joseph Tomelty (Jim Heeler)
Richard Wattis's poster
Richard Wattis (Albert Prosser)
Prunella Scales's poster
Prunella Scales (Vicky Hobson)
Derek Blomfield's poster
Derek Blomfield (Freddy Beenstock)
Helen Haye's poster
Helen Haye (Mrs. Hepworth)
Julien Mitchell's poster
Julien Mitchell (Sam Minns)
Gibb McLaughlin's poster
Gibb McLaughlin (Tudsbury)
Philip Stainton's poster
Philip Stainton (Denton)
Dorothy Gordon's poster
Dorothy Gordon (Ada Figgins)
Madge Brindley's poster
Madge Brindley (Mrs. Figgins)
John Laurie's poster
John Laurie (Dr. McFarlane)
Raymond Huntley's poster
Raymond Huntley (Nathaniel Beenstock)
Jack Howarth's poster
Jack Howarth (Tubby Wadlow)
Herbert C. Walton's poster
Herbert C. Walton (Printer)
Edie Martin's poster
Edie Martin (Old Lady Buying Shoelaces)
Leonard Sharp's poster
Leonard Sharp (Tailor who rents shop to William Mossop)
Robert Brooks Turner's poster
Robert Brooks Turner (Beanstock Worker Who Finds Hobson in Cellar)