Natale a lume di candela's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Natale a lume di candela. Find actors and director of the program Natale a lume di candela

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Natale a lume di candela. Select any member to see details info.

Nazneen Contractor's poster
Nazneen Contractor (Ellie)
Mykee Selkin's poster
Mykee Selkin (Logan)
Sugith Varughese's poster
Sugith Varughese (Jamar)
Jennifer Gibson's poster
Jennifer Gibson (Mindee)
Robin Dunne's poster
Robin Dunne (Andrew)
Samantha Helt's poster
Samantha Helt (Nastia)
Michael Gordin Shore's poster
Michael Gordin Shore (Elijah)
Richard Waugh's poster
Richard Waugh (Raymond)
Arcade Riley's poster
Arcade Riley (Jack)
Jill Frappier's poster
Jill Frappier (Betsy)
Vickie Papavs's poster
Vickie Papavs (Renee)
Micah Kalisch's poster
Micah Kalisch (Waitress)
Brandon Ludwig's poster
Brandon Ludwig (Eric)