Schoolgirl Hitchhikers's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Schoolgirl Hitchhikers. Find actors and director of the program Schoolgirl Hitchhikers

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Schoolgirl Hitchhikers. Select any member to see details info.

Joëlle Coeur's poster
Joëlle Coeur (Monica)
Gilda Arancio's poster
Gilda Arancio (Jackie)
Marie Hélène Règne's poster
Marie Hélène Règne (Béatrice)
Willy Braque's poster
Willy Braque (Older Thief)
Pierre Julien's poster
Pierre Julien (Younger Thief)
François Brincourt's poster
François Brincourt (Private Detective)
Reine Thirion's poster
Reine Thirion (Harry's Secretary)
Jean Rollin's poster
Jean Rollin (Man in red Turtleneck)