Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina. Find actors and director of the program Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina. Select any member to see details info.

Gian Maria Volonté's poster
Gian Maria Volonté (The Managing Editor of 'Il Giornale')
Fabio Garriba's poster
Fabio Garriba (Roveda)
Carla Tatò's poster
Carla Tatò (Bizanti's wife)
Jacques Herlin's poster
Jacques Herlin (Lauri)
John Steiner's poster
John Steiner (Ingegner Montelli - Publisher of 'Il Giornale')
Michel Bardinet's poster
Michel Bardinet (Member of the Editorial Staff)
Jean Rougeul's poster
Jean Rougeul (The Managing Editor of 'Il Giornale')
Laura Betti's poster
Laura Betti (Rita Zigai)
Enrico DiMarco's poster
Enrico DiMarco (il commissario)
Silvia Kramar's poster
Silvia Kramar (Maria Grazia Martini)
Massimo Patrone's poster
Massimo Patrone (il bidello)
Gianni Solaro's poster
Gianni Solaro (prof. Italo Martini)
Ignazio La Russa's poster
Ignazio La Russa (se stesso, oratore al comizio)
Corrado Solari's poster
Corrado Solari (Mario Boni)