Un Natale per ricominciare's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Un Natale per ricominciare. Find actors and director of the program Un Natale per ricominciare

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Un Natale per ricominciare. Select any member to see details info.

Julie Benz's poster
Julie Benz (Amanda)
Michael Shanks's poster
Michael Shanks (Master Sgt. Jim Mullins)
Jordana Largy's poster
Jordana Largy (Lily)
Toby Levins's poster
Toby Levins (Craig)
Farryn VanHumbeck's poster
Farryn VanHumbeck (Heather)
Daniel Bacon's poster
Daniel Bacon (Dr. Baxter)
Daryl Shuttleworth's poster
Daryl Shuttleworth (General Frank Cesaro)