Io ti assolvo's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Io ti assolvo. Find actors and director of the program Io ti assolvo

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Io ti assolvo. Select any member to see details info.

Gabriel Garko's poster
Gabriel Garko (Padre Francesco)
Cosima Coppola's poster
Cosima Coppola (Matilde e Carla Visciano)
Lorenzo Flaherty's poster
Lorenzo Flaherty (Commissario Lariano)
Stefania Sandrelli's poster
Stefania Sandrelli (Mirella Pensotti)
Sara D'Amario's poster
Sara D'Amario (Eleonora Zunin)
Alberto Molinari's poster
Alberto Molinari (Dott. Enrico Pieroboni)
Sergio Arcuri's poster
Sergio Arcuri (Lorenzo Pensotti)
Gerardo Amato's poster
Gerardo Amato (Padre Raul)