Le guerriere dal seno nudo's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Le guerriere dal seno nudo. Find actors and director of the program Le guerriere dal seno nudo

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Le guerriere dal seno nudo. Select any member to see details info.

Alena Johnston's poster
Alena Johnston (Antiope)
Sabine Sun's poster
Sabine Sun (Oreitheia)
Rosanna Yanni's poster
Rosanna Yanni (Penthesilea)
Helga Liné's poster
Helga Liné (High Priestess)
Malisa Longo's poster
Malisa Longo (Leuthera)
Luciana Paluzzi's poster
Luciana Paluzzi (Phaedra)
Rebecca Potok's poster
Rebecca Potok (Melanippe)
Lucy Tiller's poster
Lucy Tiller (Alana)
Almut Berg's poster
Almut Berg (Cynara)
Angelo Infanti's poster
Angelo Infanti (Theseus)
Ángel del Pozo's poster
Ángel del Pozo (Captain)
Franco Borelli's poster
Franco Borelli (Perithous)
Rita Calderoni's poster
Rita Calderoni (Amazon Woman)
Lisa Halvorsen's poster
Lisa Halvorsen (Amazon Woman)