Romanzo nel west's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Romanzo nel west. Find actors and director of the program Romanzo nel west

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Romanzo nel west. Select any member to see details info.

John Wayne's poster
John Wayne (Rocklin)
Ella Raines's poster
Ella Raines (Arleta 'Arly' Harolday)
Ward Bond's poster
Ward Bond ('Judge' Robert Garvey)
George 'Gabby' Hayes's poster
George 'Gabby' Hayes (Dave)
Audrey Long's poster
Audrey Long (Clara Cardell)
Elisabeth Risdon's poster
Elisabeth Risdon (Miss Elizabeth Martin)
Donald Douglas's poster
Donald Douglas (Harolday)
Paul Fix's poster
Paul Fix (Bob Clews)
Russell Wade's poster
Russell Wade (Clint Harolday)
Emory Parnell's poster
Emory Parnell (Sheriff Jackson)
Raymond Hatton's poster
Raymond Hatton (Zeke)
Harry Woods's poster
Harry Woods (George Clews)
Frank Puglia's poster
Frank Puglia (Talo (uncredited))
Clem Bevans's poster
Clem Bevans (Card Game Spectator (uncredited))