Un amore nella neve's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Un amore nella neve. Find actors and director of the program Un amore nella neve

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Un amore nella neve. Select any member to see details info.

Ashley Newbrough's poster
Ashley Newbrough (Sarah)
Adam Hurtig's poster
Adam Hurtig (Nick)
Jesse Hutch's poster
Jesse Hutch (Cole)
Tom Anniko's poster
Tom Anniko (Sarah's dad)
Lauren Cochrane's poster
Lauren Cochrane (Isabelle)
Tamara Gorski's poster
Tamara Gorski (Amanda)
Connor Peterson's poster
Connor Peterson (Young Nick)
Jason Wishnowski's poster
Jason Wishnowski (Dean Papadopoulos)
Maddy Tapper's poster
Maddy Tapper (Young Sarah)
Dani Duffy's poster
Dani Duffy (Waitress)