Scambio fatale's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Scambio fatale. Find actors and director of the program Scambio fatale

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Scambio fatale. Select any member to see details info.

Nicholle Tom's poster
Nicholle Tom (Dana Tilly)
David Palffy's poster
David Palffy (Detective Ronald Billins)
Steve Bacic's poster
Steve Bacic (Mark Thomas)
Emilie Ullerup's poster
Emilie Ullerup (Leesa Thomas)
John Cassini's poster
John Cassini (Walace River / David McWilliams)
Miranda Frigon's poster
Miranda Frigon (Isabel Johnson)
Aaron Craven's poster
Aaron Craven (Sal)
Craig March's poster
Craig March (Detective Maitland)
Sunita Prasad's poster
Sunita Prasad (Lana)
Gemma Martini's poster
Gemma Martini (Rachel)
L. Harvey Gold's poster
L. Harvey Gold (Lev Goldblatt)
Richard Yee's poster
Richard Yee (Mr. Mura)
Derek Green's poster
Derek Green (Paul Mackney)
Gabrielle Rose's poster
Gabrielle Rose (Mrs. Hatcher)
Daniel Boileau's poster
Daniel Boileau (Director)
Ed Anders's poster
Ed Anders (Intruder)
Michael Roberds's poster
Michael Roberds (Cab Driver)