The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre. Find actors and director of the program The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre. Select any member to see details info.

Martin Landau's poster
Martin Landau (Nelson Orion)
Judith Anderson's poster
Judith Anderson (Paulina)
Diane Baker's poster
Diane Baker (Vivia Mandore)
Tom Simcox's poster
Tom Simcox (Henry Mandore)
Nellie Burt's poster
Nellie Burt (Mary Finch)
Leonard Stone's poster
Leonard Stone (Benedict Sloane)
Priscilla Morrill's poster
Priscilla Morrill (The School Teacher)