Crosstrap's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Crosstrap. Find actors and director of the program Crosstrap

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Crosstrap. Select any member to see details info.

Laurence Payne's poster
Laurence Payne (Duke)
Jill Adams's poster
Jill Adams (Sally)
Gary Cockrell's poster
Gary Cockrell (Geoff)
Zena Marshall's poster
Zena Marshall (Rina)
Bill Nagy's poster
Bill Nagy (Gaunt)
Robert Cawdron's poster
Robert Cawdron (Joe)
Larry Taylor's poster
Larry Taylor (Peron)
Max Faulkner's poster
Max Faulkner (Ricky)
Derek Sydney's poster
Derek Sydney (Juan)
Michael Turner's poster
Michael Turner (Hoagy)