The Flanagan Boy's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Flanagan Boy. Find actors and director of the program The Flanagan Boy

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Flanagan Boy. Select any member to see details info.

Barbara Payton's poster
Barbara Payton (Lorna Vecchi)
Frederick Valk's poster
Frederick Valk (Giuseppe Vecchi)
John Slater's poster
John Slater (Charlie Sullivan)
Sid James's poster
Sid James (Sharkey (as Sidney James))
Tony Wright's poster
Tony Wright (Johnny Flanagan)
Marie Burke's poster
Marie Burke (Mother Vecchi)
Selma Vaz Dias's poster
Selma Vaz Dias (Mrs. Corelli, Vecchi's sister)
Enzo Coticchia's poster
Enzo Coticchia (Mr. Corelli)