Miss Wonton's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Miss Wonton. Find actors and director of the program Miss Wonton

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Miss Wonton. Select any member to see details info.

Camy Ting's poster
Camy Ting (Ah Na)
Ben Wang's poster
Ben Wang (Chung)
James C. Burns's poster
James C. Burns (Jack)
Chyna Ng's poster
Chyna Ng (Ling)
Sakura Ting's poster
Sakura Ting (Mrs. Sum)
Scott Chan's poster
Scott Chan (Kang)
Han Ying Shen's poster
Han Ying Shen (Mother)
Victoria Rong's poster
Victoria Rong (Lily)
Claire Peng's poster
Claire Peng (Fang)
Cornel Chan's poster
Cornel Chan (Uncle Wang)
Shing Ka's poster
Shing Ka (Peng)
Yang Liu's poster
Yang Liu (May)