Millennium Actress's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Millennium Actress. Find actors and director of the program Millennium Actress

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Millennium Actress. Select any member to see details info.

Miyoko Shoji's poster
Miyoko Shoji (Chiyoko Fujiwara (age 70, voice))
Mami Koyama's poster
Mami Koyama (Chiyoko Fujiwara (age 20-40, voice))
Fumiko Orikasa's poster
Fumiko Orikasa (Chiyoko Fujiwara (age 10-20, voice))
Showko Tsuda's poster
Showko Tsuda (Eiko Shimao (voice))
Shozo Iizuka's poster
Shozo Iizuka (Genya Tachibana (voice))
Masaya Onosaka's poster
Masaya Onosaka (Kyouji Ida (voice))
Masane Tsukayama's poster
Masane Tsukayama (The Man with the Scar (voice))
Koichi Yamadera's poster
Koichi Yamadera (The Man of the Key (voice))
Hisako Kyoda's poster
Hisako Kyoda (Chiyoko's Mother (voice))
Tomie Kataoka's poster
Tomie Kataoka (Mino (voice))