The Rocking Horse Winner's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Rocking Horse Winner. Find actors and director of the program The Rocking Horse Winner

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Rocking Horse Winner. Select any member to see details info.

Valerie Hobson's poster
Valerie Hobson (Hester Grahame)
John Howard Davies's poster
John Howard Davies (Paul Grahame)
Ronald Squire's poster
Ronald Squire (Oscar Cresswell)
John Mills's poster
John Mills (Bassett)
Hugh Sinclair's poster
Hugh Sinclair (Richard Grahame)
Charles Goldner's poster
Charles Goldner (Mr. Tsaldouris)
Susan Richards's poster
Susan Richards (nannie)
Cyril Smith's poster
Cyril Smith (bailiff)