阿娣's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program 阿娣. Find actors and director of the program 阿娣

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program 阿娣. Select any member to see details info.

Adeline Lim's poster
Adeline Lim (Wu Feng)
Zoe Tay's poster
Zoe Tay (Liu Zhao Di)
Chen Hanwei's poster
Chen Hanwei (Huang Da Ke)
Huang Wenyong's poster
Huang Wenyong (Zhong Zheng)
Zhen Huan Zhang's poster
Zhen Huan Zhang (Shuang Jie)
Kate Pang's poster
Kate Pang (Si Wen)
Chloe Wang's poster
Chloe Wang (Shan Shan)
Yao Wenlong's poster
Yao Wenlong (Hong Ke Qin)