Nanny Killer's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Nanny Killer. Find actors and director of the program Nanny Killer

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Nanny Killer. Select any member to see details info.

Morgan Obenreder's poster
Morgan Obenreder (Kate Jordan)
Danielle Bisutti's poster
Danielle Bisutti (Ms. Grey)
Tucker Meek's poster
Tucker Meek (Jack Martell)
Violet Hicks's poster
Violet Hicks (Rose Martell)
David Rees Snell's poster
David Rees Snell (Edward Martell)
Bruce Katzman's poster
Bruce Katzman (Dr. Bartlett)
Chris Devlin's poster
Chris Devlin (Donovan (as Christopher Devlin))
Monica Young's poster
Monica Young (Dr. Goldman)
Caroline Kwan's poster
Caroline Kwan (Starlee)
Elizabeth Leiner's poster
Elizabeth Leiner (Elizabeth Martell)
Charles Christopher's poster
Charles Christopher (Detective Anderson)
Heather Horton's poster
Heather Horton (Chilton Receptionist)
Caryn Richman's poster
Caryn Richman (Therapist)