The Fighting Kentuckian's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Fighting Kentuckian. Find actors and director of the program The Fighting Kentuckian

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Fighting Kentuckian. Select any member to see details info.

John Wayne's poster
John Wayne (John Breen)
Vera Ralston's poster
Vera Ralston (Fleurette De Marchand)
Philip Dorn's poster
Philip Dorn (Col. Georges Geraud)
Oliver Hardy's poster
Oliver Hardy (Willie Paine)
Marie Windsor's poster
Marie Windsor (Ann Logan)
John Howard's poster
John Howard (Blake Randolph)
Hugo Haas's poster
Hugo Haas (Gen. Paul De Marchand)
Grant Withers's poster
Grant Withers (George Hayden)
Odette Myrtil's poster
Odette Myrtil (Madame De Marchand)
Paul Fix's poster
Paul Fix (Beau Merritt)
Mae Marsh's poster
Mae Marsh (Sister Hattie)
Dave Anderson's poster
Dave Anderson (Giles (uncredited))
Jack Pennick's poster
Jack Pennick (Capt. Dan Carroll)
Hank Worden's poster
Hank Worden (Abner Todd)
Mickey Simpson's poster
Mickey Simpson (Jacques)