The Vampire Diaries's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Vampire Diaries. Find actors and director of the program The Vampire Diaries

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Vampire Diaries. Select any member to see details info.

Alyssa Milano's poster
Alyssa Milano (Charlotte)
Martin Kemp's poster
Martin Kemp (Vampire)
Harold Pruett's poster
Harold Pruett (Chris)
Jordan Ladd's poster
Jordan Ladd (Eliza)
Rachel True's poster
Rachel True (Nicole)
Charlotte Lewis's poster
Charlotte Lewis (Sarah)
Jennifer Tilly's poster
Jennifer Tilly (Marika)
Rebecca Ferratti's poster
Rebecca Ferratti (Princess)
Glori Gold's poster
Glori Gold (Nymph I)
Seana Ryan's poster
Seana Ryan (Nymph II)
Sabrina Allen's poster
Sabrina Allen (Nymph III)
Robbin Julien's poster
Robbin Julien (Rob)
Christopher Utesch's poster
Christopher Utesch (Guy in Hallway)
David Portlock's poster
David Portlock (Peter)
Gregg Vance's poster
Gregg Vance (Jonathan)
John Riedlinger's poster
John Riedlinger (Milo)
Ladd Vance's poster
Ladd Vance (Mark)
Lynn Philip Seibel's poster
Lynn Philip Seibel (Professor)