Danny The Dog's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Danny The Dog. Find actors and director of the program Danny The Dog

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Danny The Dog. Select any member to see details info.

Jet Li's poster
Jet Li (Danny)
Morgan Freeman's poster
Morgan Freeman (Sam)
Bob Hoskins's poster
Bob Hoskins (Bart)
Vincent Regan's poster
Vincent Regan (Raffles)
Dylan Brown's poster
Dylan Brown (Lefty)
Tamer Hassan's poster
Tamer Hassan (Georgie)
Phyllida Law's poster
Phyllida Law (Distinguished Lady)
Michael Jenn's poster
Michael Jenn (Wyeth)
Carole Ann Wilson's poster
Carole Ann Wilson (Maddy)
Kerry Condon's poster
Kerry Condon (Victoria)
Mike Ian Lambert's poster
Mike Ian Lambert (The Stranger)
Puthirith Chou's poster
Puthirith Chou (Teen Danny)
Jaclyn Tze Wey's poster
Jaclyn Tze Wey (Danny's Mother)
Tony Theng's poster
Tony Theng (Little Danny)
Owen Lay's poster
Owen Lay (Baby Danny)
Andy Beckwith's poster
Andy Beckwith (Righty)
Franck Xie Cheng's poster
Franck Xie Cheng (Baby Danny)
Michael Webber's poster
Michael Webber (Boxing Boss)
Georgina Chapman's poster
Georgina Chapman (Floozy 1)
Danielle Louise Harley's poster
Danielle Louise Harley (Floozy 2)
Affif Ben Badra's poster
Affif Ben Badra (Tough man)
Miguel Eduardo Cueva's poster
Miguel Eduardo Cueva (Wyeth's Aide-de-Camp)
Scott Adkins's poster
Scott Adkins (Swimming Pool Fighter)
Georges Benoît's poster
Georges Benoît (Doctor)
Patrick Vo's poster
Patrick Vo (Bart's Thug)
Marc Hoang Nghi's poster
Marc Hoang Nghi (Bart's Thug)
Sebastien Soudais's poster
Sebastien Soudais (Bart's Thug)
Laurence Ashley's poster
Laurence Ashley (Shower Woman)