Alf's Button Afloat's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Alf's Button Afloat. Find actors and director of the program Alf's Button Afloat

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Alf's Button Afloat. Select any member to see details info.

Bud Flanagan's poster
Bud Flanagan (Alf Higgins)
Chesney Allen's poster
Chesney Allen (Ches)
Jimmy Nervo's poster
Jimmy Nervo (Cecil)
Teddy Knox's poster
Teddy Knox (Teddy)
Charlie Naughton's poster
Charlie Naughton (Charlie)
Jimmy Gold's poster
Jimmy Gold (Jimmy)
Alastair Sim's poster
Alastair Sim (The Genie of the Button)
Wally Patch's poster
Wally Patch (Sergt. Hawkins)
Peter Gawthrone's poster
Peter Gawthrone (Capt. Driscol R.N.)
Agnes Lauchlan's poster
Agnes Lauchlan (Lady Driscol)
Glennis Lorimer's poster
Glennis Lorimer (Frankie Driscol)
James Carney's poster
James Carney (Lieut. Hardy R.M.)
Wilson Coleman's poster
Wilson Coleman (Surg-Cmdr. Brown)
J.H. Roberts's poster
J.H. Roberts (Aladdin)
Bruce Winston's poster
Bruce Winston (Mustapha)