Soapbox Derby's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Soapbox Derby. Find actors and director of the program Soapbox Derby

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Soapbox Derby. Select any member to see details info.

Michael Crawford's poster
Michael Crawford (Peter Toms)
Keith Davis's poster
Keith Davis (Legs Johnson)
Roy Townsend's poster
Roy Townsend (Foureyes Fulton)
Alan Coleshill's poster
Alan Coleshill (Lew Lender)
Malcolm Kirby's poster
Malcolm Kirby (John)
Carla Challoner's poster
Carla Challoner (Betty)
Mark Daly's poster
Mark Daly (Grandpa)
Denis Shaw's poster
Denis Shaw (Lender)
Harry Fowler's poster
Harry Fowler (Barrow Boy)
Raymond Dudley's poster
Raymond Dudley (Fred)
Jean Ireland's poster
Jean Ireland (Mrs. Fulton)