Going Gay's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Going Gay. Find actors and director of the program Going Gay

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Going Gay. Select any member to see details info.

Arthur Riscoe's poster
Arthur Riscoe (Jack)
Naunton Wayne's poster
Naunton Wayne (Jim)
Magda Schneider's poster
Magda Schneider (Grete)
Ruth Maitland's poster
Ruth Maitland (Mother)
Victor Fairley's poster
Victor Fairley (Grete's Father)
Richard Wydler's poster
Richard Wydler (Grete's Brother)
Brenda Senton's poster
Brenda Senton (Grete's Sister)
Wilfred Noy's poster
Wilfred Noy (Director of Opera Falkenheim)
Grete Natzler's poster
Grete Natzler (Director of Opera's Daughter)
Joe Hayman's poster
Joe Hayman (Impresario)
Bertha Belmore's poster
Bertha Belmore (Masculine Lady at TableTen)