Jeremiah Johnson's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Jeremiah Johnson. Find actors and director of the program Jeremiah Johnson

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Jeremiah Johnson. Select any member to see details info.

Robert Redford's poster
Robert Redford (Jeremiah Johnson)
Will Geer's poster
Will Geer (Bear Claw)
Delle Bolton's poster
Delle Bolton (Swan)
Josh Albee's poster
Josh Albee (Caleb)
Joaquín Martínez's poster
Joaquín Martínez (Paints His Shirt Red)
Allyn Ann McLerie's poster
Allyn Ann McLerie (Crazy Woman)
Stefan Gierasch's poster
Stefan Gierasch (Del Gue)
Richard Angarola's poster
Richard Angarola (Chief Two-Tongues Lebeaux)
Paul Benedict's poster
Paul Benedict (Reverend Lindquist)
Charles Tyner's poster
Charles Tyner (Robidoux)
Jack Colvin's poster
Jack Colvin (Lieutenant Mulvey)
Matt Clark's poster
Matt Clark (Qualen)
Tanya Tucker's poster
Tanya Tucker (Qualen's daughter)