Heroes Without Glory's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Heroes Without Glory. Find actors and director of the program Heroes Without Glory

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Heroes Without Glory. Select any member to see details info.

Jeff Cameron's poster
Jeff Cameron (Lt. Bellings)
Isarco Ravaioli's poster
Isarco Ravaioli (Major Briggs)
Lemmy Carson's poster
Lemmy Carson (The Padre aka Kaptain Karl)
Rosella Como's poster
Rosella Como (Liesel)
Ahmed Ramzy's poster
Ahmed Ramzy (Casella)
Gualtiero Rispoli's poster
Gualtiero Rispoli (Reed)
Robertino's poster
Robertino (Franco)
Alfredo Rizzo's poster
Alfredo Rizzo (General)