Room 213's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Room 213. Find actors and director of the program Room 213

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Room 213. Select any member to see details info.

Allen Dizon's poster
Allen Dizon (The Architect)
Gwen Garci's poster
Gwen Garci (The Photographer)
Maricar Dela Fuente's poster
Maricar Dela Fuente (The Devotee)
Tyron Perez's poster
Tyron Perez (The Accomplice)
Leo Meir's poster
Leo Meir (The Priest)
Carla Samonte's poster
Carla Samonte (The Other Woman)
Lady Alliyah's poster
Lady Alliyah (The Cafe Owner)
Emmanuel Garcellano's poster
Emmanuel Garcellano (The Young Lover)
Arthur Acuña's poster
Arthur Acuña (The Newscaster)
Lawrence David's poster
Lawrence David (Kristo)