Raaz 3's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Raaz 3. Find actors and director of the program Raaz 3

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Raaz 3. Select any member to see details info.

Bipasha Basu's poster
Bipasha Basu (Shanaya Shekhar)
Emraan Hashmi's poster
Emraan Hashmi (Aditya Arora)
Esha Gupta's poster
Esha Gupta (Sanjana Krishna)
Manish Chaudhary's poster
Manish Chaudhary (Tara Dutt)
Mohan Kapoor's poster
Mohan Kapoor (Doctor)
Jagat Rawat's poster
Jagat Rawat (Tantrik)