Thumbsucker's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Thumbsucker. Find actors and director of the program Thumbsucker

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Thumbsucker. Select any member to see details info.

Lou Taylor Pucci's poster
Lou Taylor Pucci (Justin Cobb)
Tilda Swinton's poster
Tilda Swinton (Audrey Cobb)
Vincent D'Onofrio's poster
Vincent D'Onofrio (Mike Cobb)
Keanu Reeves's poster
Keanu Reeves (Perry)
Benjamin Bratt's poster
Benjamin Bratt (Matt Schramm)
Kelli Garner's poster
Kelli Garner (Rebecca)
Chase Offerle's poster
Chase Offerle (Joel Cobb)
Vince Vaughn's poster
Vince Vaughn (Mr. Geary)